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Bills on demand service

You'll see your bills before they arrive

Your expenses probably change month to month, either because you end up spending more than you planned or because something unexpected crops up.

With our Bills on demand service, we'll notify you of any direct debits that could be refused due to lack of funds in your account.

You'll see a direct debit thanks to the alert and notification

Sometimes a direct debit arrives by surprise when you least expect it. With this free, automatic service, if a bill is about to arrive and you have insufficient funds:

  • We'll send you a notification through the Bankinter app to warn you.
  • Alternatively, you can check them online simply by entering your passwords in the Alerts section.

A service specially designed for you

For your peace of mind:

Don't worry about a thing. We'll help you plan for any direct debits that might be refused.

For your convenience:

We'll help you manage your finances so none of your bills are refused. That's what our notifications and alerts on the website are for.
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What do I have to do to use this service?

Nothing, it's already available.

Activate Notifications on the app to receive them or log in to the website and go to the Alerts section.

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Direct debits for bills

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